
Wild Party

Fellow music lovers. Look how long it has been since I posted last. It is not because I don't care. Yes, my real job has taken my attention away, but also, I have not been inspired by stuff I've been getting. Digging For Days was built on a no-hype philosophy. With that said, the band that has taken me out of my dry spell has produced one of the most cohesive efforts I have ever come across. The San Antonio based Wild Party truly deliver on their debut album Phantom Pop. 

A well-blended mixture of Passion Pit, The Killers, and Foster the People, Wild Party provide indie rock with danceable beats and undeniable hooks. Never before has a debut album come so fully formed. "When I Get Older" kicks off the album and is the archetype on which the rest of the album is built: sing-along choruses, bouncy beats, and synths melded and mixed with guitar. "Life's Too Short" is the closest these Texans come to slowing it down. Lead singer Lincoln Kreifels casually sings over breezy synths about the perils of being broke and in love, with lines like "I can't provide champagne, but you still stop and say hello."

Themes of growing older and love (both unrequited and romantic) come up often but are paired with melodies so catchy by the time the album closer comes along, you're ready to begin the journey over again. (I dare you not to sway your head on "Two Days with You")

Phantom Pop is so accurately named that even when the album is not being blared through you car stereo, the music is haunting your thoughts throughout the day, and you know what? You actually will want to hum along. Wild Party fully encompass modern indie rock with pop sensibilities. 

When I Get Older-

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